I am quoted about nuclear fusion – the subject of my first solo popular science book – in the feature article “10 Ideas That Will Shape the Next 25 Years” by Brian Clegg in the New Year 2025 edition of BBC Science Focus magazine.
January 2025

Other types of news.
I am quoted about nuclear fusion – the subject of my first solo popular science book – in the feature article “10 Ideas That Will Shape the Next 25 Years” by Brian Clegg in the New Year 2025 edition of BBC Science Focus magazine.
I was chair for the session ‘Pitching science broadcast media: UK vs Germany’ at the UK Conference of Science Journalists 2024 held at The Francis Crick Institute, London.
I was one of the consultants for author Claudia Martin’s new children’s book The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science, which was illustrated by Marc Pattenden, and published by Arcturus Publishing on October 1st.
I was quoted about the importance of the Earth’s atmosphere in the opening section of award-winning interior designer Chloe Bullock’s new book Sustainable Interior Design, which was published by RIBA on May 1st.
I was delighted to be featured on the Popular Science book site. As well as being quizzed about how soon we might be able to get green energy from nuclear fusion – which is one of the topics that my latest popular science book covers – I was also asked what had inspired my interest in science.
Read the interview here.
I was delighted to be officially presented with the 2022 William Thomson, Lord Kelvin Medal and Prize for public engagement in physics by Tom Grinyer, Institute of Physics Group CEO, at the IOP’s London HQ on August 22nd.
My medal, which I am honoured to have, is ‘for work in communicating science to a wide variety of audiences and for positive representations of scientists from non-traditional backgrounds’.
You can read more about it here.
Guest Lecturer on a Science Writing and Communication Module for physics students at King’s College London, 2022.
I am delighted and honoured to be the 2022 recipient of the William Thomson, Lord Kelvin Medal and Prize for public engagement in physics. This has been awarded to me by the UK’s Institute of Physics ‘for work in communicating science to a wide variety of audiences and for positive representations of scientists from non-traditional backgrounds’.
You can read the full citation for the award on the IOP website here.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of the kind people who have helped and supported me with my various projects over the years.
Guest Lecturer on a Science Writing and Communication Module for physics students at King’s College London, 2021.
Guest Lecturer on a Science Writing and Communication Module for physics students at King’s College London on October 16 2020.