I was quoted about the importance of the Earth’s atmosphere in the opening section of award-winning interior designer Chloe Bullock’s new book Sustainable Interior Design, which was published by RIBA on May 1st.
1 May 2024

I was quoted about the importance of the Earth’s atmosphere in the opening section of award-winning interior designer Chloe Bullock’s new book Sustainable Interior Design, which was published by RIBA on May 1st.
My book review Twists and somersaults which discusses The Science of Spin by Roland Ennos appeared in the March 22nd issue of The Times Literary Supplement and was also published online on March 21, 2024.
Article Modelling lung cells could help personalize radiotherapy published on Physics World website.
‘Book Pitch’ article about my latest book Communicating Science Clearly published in the Spring 2024 edition of SCOPE, the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine’s quarterly members magazine. You can download this issue here and read my article on page 54.
I was delighted to be asked by the Association of British Science Writers to pass on some tips for writing science books. You can watch the video that they shared on their social media channels here.
Researching and writing new book.
My new book Communicating Science Clearly: A Self-Help Guide For Students and Researchers was published by CRC Press on November 29th 2023. Read more about the book on the publisher’s website. Buy a copy on Amazon US or Amazon UK.
Article Energy-efficient transistor enables AI analysis of health data within wearable devices published on Physics World website.
The YouTube playlist that accompanies my forthcoming book Communicating Science Clearly has gone live on my publisher’s channel!
The topics I cover include using remote technologies for science communication, and avoiding getting distracted in networking situations and when giving presentations.
You can watch the videos here.
Article Controlling quantum biological electron tunnelling could help brain cancer patients published on Physics World website.