Article Modelling the motion of confined crowds could help prevent crushing incidents published on Physics World website.
17 February 2025

Article Modelling the motion of confined crowds could help prevent crushing incidents published on Physics World website.
I am quoted about nuclear fusion – the subject of my first solo popular science book – in the feature article “10 Ideas That Will Shape the Next 25 Years” by Brian Clegg in the New Year 2025 edition of BBC Science Focus magazine.
My report about the session ‘Pitching science broadcast media: UK vs Germany’ that I chaired at the UK Conference of Science Journalists in October was published on the website of the Association of British Science Writers.
I gave some training in the basics of science communication for members of the Institute of Physics in an online workshop on November 1st.
I was chair for the session ‘Pitching science broadcast media: UK vs Germany’ at the UK Conference of Science Journalists 2024 held at The Francis Crick Institute, London.
I was one of the consultants for author Claudia Martin’s new children’s book The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science, which was illustrated by Marc Pattenden, and published by Arcturus Publishing on October 1st.
Article Quantum dot liquid scintillator could revolutionize neutrino detection published on Physics World website.
Article Novel ‘glassy gel’ materials are strong yet stretchable published on Physics World website.
Researching and writing new book.
Giving a Science Communication Training Session for academic staff in the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences at King’s College London.