Photo: Courtesy of the IOP. © IOP
In December 2006 I was delighted to discover that I was to be awarded the Institute of Physics Young Professional Physicist of the Year award for my ‘promotion of physics and the public perception of physics’. The awards dinner took place at The Savoy in London on January 18th 2007, and the photo shows me receiving my certificate from Peter Saraga, the President of the Institute of Physics.
My award win was highlighted in two University of Sussex publications, News from Physics and Astronomy Spring/Summer 2007 and the March 2007 edition of InSciTech. I also had a mention in the February 2007 edition of the Institute of Physics Interactions newspaper. In addition I wrote an article about the experience for The Science Reporter, the newsletter for members of the Association of British Science Writers.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped me in my career so far, as I could not have achieved this without your support.